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About (EN)

MobiData BW® - Using data to promote climate-friendly mobility

MobiData BW® is the cross-modal open data platform for mobility data of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Climate-friendly mobility across all modes of transport is oriented towards one central component today and in the future: Data. Whether it's municipal transport planning, intelligent routing or the low-threshold use of multimodal route chains - data such as real-time public transport information or location and availability details of sharing services are needed everywhere, and in the best case as open data freely accessible as on MobiData BW®.

The team behind MobiData BW® supports the development of digital innovations for climate-friendly mobility as the central competence centre for open mobility data in the state.

Open data as the key to new mobility

Climate goals for transport in Baden-Württemberg

Climate targets for transport in Baden-Württemberg

Figure 1: Climate targets for transport in Baden-Württemberg: Developments refer to the reference value from 1990 (Targets for a change in transport in Baden-Württemberg: Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg (baden-wuerttemberg.de)

Promoting climate-friendly mobility by bundling relevant data

The bundling as well as the open provision of mobility data allows low-threshold data use, for example in local information systems, tourism maps or central mobility displays. The networking of data from different modes of transport should in particular promote more sustainable forms of mobility and thus facilitate the switch to climate-friendly transport options.

Only if journeys can be easily and conveniently combined with different modes of transport can intermodal and multimodal mobility behaviour become established, in terms of the defined climate goals in transport.

What does MobiData BW® offer?

  • • Under the MobiData BW® brand, NVBW -Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH operates a data and service portal for the bundling and publication of mobility data on behalf of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

  • • In accordance with the Open Data concept, MobiData BW® provides mobility data via open interfaces as a portal oriented towards the common good and free of discrimination. These are available to citizens, municipalities, research and the private sector.

  • • MobiData BW® accompanies and shapes digital innovations in various mobility projects. This includes concepts for generating new data as well as new applications with the existing data base. Here, the MobiData BW® team provides conceptual support in the design process within the project period as well as content-related support.

  • • The MobiData BW® competence team supports the networking of civil society, research, the private sector and administration.

  • • The team behind MobiData BW® coordinates and supports the network of municipal data managers within the framework of the promotion of municipal staff positions for sustainable mobility of the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg.

MobiData BW explanatory film

MobiData BW explanatory film

The following symbolic image shows which data MobiData BW® openly provides, among other things: Public transport timetable and real-time data with routes, stop information, e-charging points, information on sharing offers, static and dynamic parking data, bike counting points and cycle service points as well as the bicycle path network.

Mobidata BW Mobility data content

Figure 2: Symbolic image of MobiData BW mobility data content (no claim to location accuracy or completeness)


Do you want to contribute to the development of new, digital and climate-friendly mobility? Whether you are a municipality, start-up, research institution or private sector - feel free to contact us at mobidata-bw@nvbw.de or by phone at 0711 / 23991-279.